Monday, December 12, 2011

Queen Elizabeth II in Mantilla

Vatican City.

Vatican protocol prescribed by tradition: the lovely appearance and deportment of nuns with long, shoulder-to-floor black dress (which austerely hides the figure) with lovely black lace mantilla.


  1. The Spanish Queen is the only one allowed to wear a white mantilla before the Pope

  2. Actually, all Catholic queens and the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg are entitled to wear white in the presence of His Holiness the Pope... all other women are supposed to wear black, including the Catholic princess of Monaco. This custom is called 'privilège du blanc' or 'the white privilege'.

  3. You mean monarchs, not "nuns" as in the caption.

    I remember recently that Queen Sophia of Spain caused an outrage when Benedict XVI visited for not genuflecting and kissing his ring, but merely shaking his hand.

    John Paul II did alot to do away with the respect and awe Catholics feel for their Pope. In his comportment, dress, discarding Papal traditions like the tiara, the Sedia Gestatoria, etc. I remember him coming to the USA and visiting a USA church. There were the priests, assembled on the steps. When he came up to greet them, not one genuflected and kissed his ring....they all just shook his hand. And one shook his hand and slapped his back like one a drinking buddy at the bar.
    I never forgot that show of lack of respect for the Pope. It was shocking. And I was only 17 at the time (1998) and still thought it wrong!

  4. I love the fact that her kokoshnik tiara is holding her veil in place; classic Russian style.

  5. I am not Catholic, but I'm not sure how I feel about the December 14, 2011 comment that not genuflecting for Benedict XVI showed a lack of respect for the Pope. It was definitely a lack of respect, but I think the respect should go to the position and not the man.
