Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Just the Way It Is


  1. Now, there's something new... and long.

  2. Is he a nuncio? For a bishop, that train is long even by pre Pius XII standards.

  3. Holy cow, Batman!

  4. Hardly appropriate for the 'Church of the Poor'. Triumphalism has no place in Christianity.

  5. You are an ignorant. The cappa has nothing to do with "triumphalism"

  6. It was an honor to witness the proper way the Holy Mass should be celebrated - cappa magna and all. More than 4,000 attended, standing room only, longing to experience the sacred mass as it was intended - to truly honor our Lord Jesus Christ - without the shortcuts. Thank you Bishop Slattery, FSSP, and St. John Cantius!

  7. Splendid!
    It is all only a.m.D.G.!
    The pre-reformed Church knew how to celebrate the Lord!

  8. Anonymous of May 8 @7:37 am: That was a stupid remark to make!

    Why should we not use 'the best' to honor Our Lord? Didn't He say to Judas, 'The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have Me?'

    Why does everything have to be so 'simple' and 'banal'? Life is dull enough without having some beauty and color, particularly in our worship!

    Thank you Bishop Slattery, and all those who took part in this Mass!
