Friday, May 28, 2010

Papal Arms with Tiara

Image from the Internet.

Why is the tiara so important on the papal arms as a symbol of Christian unity?

"In order that the episcopate itself might be one and undivided, He placed blessed Peter over the other apostles, and instituted in him a permanent and visible source and foundation of unity of faith and fellowship."

-Vatican Council II (Lumen Gentium, 18).


  1. Why not quote the decrees of the Council of Trent, rather than Vatican II??!

  2. The dropping of the tiara from the benedict's coat of arms is the typical evidence of activism advocated by Vatican II clerics, like Joseph Ratzinger, to whom tradition is not bound to be respected, as a sign that the Church did change during Vatican II, and that the pre-council church was a mistake.

  3. That quote is from Vatican I.

  4. Please let the world know about this:

    God bless you!

  5. The lens of Continuity that the Holy Father advocates seems to indicate that the faithful should see their Pope wearing the Tiara at least once in a while. It was always done in the past, why the abrupt discontinuationa nd disappearance of a beautiful symbol as head of the Church.
