Saturday, December 1, 2012

From the Last Council: "Things pertaining to liturgical art must be vere dignae, decorae ac pulchrae (truly worthy, becoming and beautiful)."

Through a sense-perceptible impingement, something spiritual is set in motion.

Nice to see beautiful vestments for a change.  Rare today.  Yes to the spiritual, but yes also the sense-perceptible of the beautiful that must be stressed.

Chapter VII of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy - in the second and third paragraphs - statements are made about the relationship of liturgy to art.  There we are told that the things pertaining to liturgical art must be vere dignae, decorae ac pulchrae (truly worthy, becoming and beautiful), and that the furnishings should digne et pulchre cultus decori inservire (worthily and beautifully serve the dignity of worship).  The repetition of these terms, which in the liturgy can hardly be said to occur in reference to art, is an indication of a certain urgency for our own time.  Decor and decorare occur in the prayers of the Missal only in reference to virtue or merit.  We must use the Council against those who would do harm to the Roman rite. We must have liturgical art and furnishings worthy of the name.


  1. Yeap- Vatican II said a lot of things and still no one is sure exactly what it was talking about.

  2. The seventh chapter of the Const on the Sacred Liturgy is concerned with "sacred art." However, it treats the problem very briefly and insufficiently. This is part of the problem.
