Monday, January 2, 2012

Scusa, Ma Che Cavallo?

Manca la sedia gestatoria.

Non vorrei offendere nessuno, ma basta questa polemica contra la sedia gestatoria.


Nel complesso, pittoresco, commovente e inimitabile quadro delle solenni funzioni pontifice, la sedia gestatoria - Hexaphorum, Sella gestatoria apostolica, Sedes portatilis Papalis - e' il centro, il fulcro luminoso della scena grandiosa, che si svolge nel mistico ambiente della Basilica Vaticana, con un cerimoniale immutabilmente prestabilito da secoli, e da secoli scrupolosamente rispettato.

Nel maestoso tempio, parato di damaschi rossi trinati d'oro, la folla dei fedeli si assiepa nelle tribune, in ansiosa, devota aspettazione...


  1. It is just a portable papal throne that CAN be used for certain solemn occasions.

  2. We should start a lobby to bring back the sedia. Unfortunately it was Benedict XVI himself who said no to the sedia. Acccoring to Andrea Tornielli from La Stampa Benedict XVI was asked to use the mobile platform used by his predecessor. His aides suggested the ancient shoulder-carried ceremonial chair, but he refused

    This contraption is totally unsuited to transport the Pope.

  3. The pedana mobile is stupid.

  4. The incongruity will be laughable to future generations.

  5. Love how when John wants to be particularly naughty, he writes a post in Italian.

  6. Aladdin carpet ride. Cringeworthy to watch.

  7. Well it wouldn't be so bad if it was higher and had a throne, sort of like the Mardi Gras float for King Rex. Maybe a decorative tractor driven by cardinal in choro could pull it as well. See:

  8. Raise up the center and place a smaller throne on it so the Pope can actually rest his legs and it will also resemble more in continuity the original Sedia. And add something in the Papal Red color to it. I prefer the original Sedia, but OK if the Pope won't use it, make this thing similar. Hermeneutic of Continuity comes to mind.
