Thursday, November 4, 2010

Msgr. Guido Marini the Great

Spending time with Rome youth at the Centro San Lorenzo.


  1. I wonder why he is't wearing his monsignor's cassock?
    This priest is indeed "great" and he has done amazing things in renewing and re-energising the papal liturgy. All priests and all parishes need to watch carefully what is being done and bring it to their own situation.
    Does anyone know what great grade of monsignor he is?

  2. It is a special prelate who wears the simple cassock of a humble parish priest.

  3. I like Monsignor Guido. He's very humble and loyal to the Holy Father. He has done a lot for the liturgy. He's simply the best!

  4. One of Siri's boys !

  5. Bravo, Msgr. Guido Marini! [don't want anyone to confuse him with the 'other Marini']
    I always like watching him when he's at the Holy Father's side, the 'ever faithful one'!
    Nice to see him smiling!

    Barb in NY
