Saturday, September 3, 2011

St. Faustina on Abortion

Diary, 1276:

"September 16, 1937. I wanted very much to make a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament today, but God's will was otherwise. At eight o'clock I was seized with such violent pains that I had to go to bed at once. I was convulsed with pain for three hours; that is, until eleven o'clock at night. No medicine had any effect on me, and whatever I swallowed I threw up. At times, the pains caused me to lose consciousness. Jesus had me realize that in this way I took part in His Agony in the Garden, and that He Himself allowed these sufferings in order to offer reparation to God for the souls murdered in the wombs of wicked mothers. I have gone through these sufferings three times now. They always start at eight o'clock in the evening and last until eleven. No medicine can lessen these sufferings. When eleven o'clock comes, they cease by themselves and I fall asleep at that moment. The following day, I feel very weak...If only I could save even one soul from murder by means of these sufferings!"


  1. what a difference and example! it is very unlike what as been happening in the Barcelona diocesis under Cardinal Sistach, who protected the behaviour of some priests, specially one who payed abortions, married gay couples (some of them in prison), and has been living with a woman under "special friendship" for ten years.

    Sistach and others have even ignored a Papal order to remove the clergy from certain hospitals in Catalonia

    It's an outrage, it's happening in Spain but, I have to spread the truth because a life is a life.

  2. The liberal Divine Mercy Publications have changed the words of Jesus in their version of the novena (WHICH IS NOT FAITHFUL TO THE DIARY).
