Sunday, March 6, 2011

From Rome: Annual Blessing of Automobiles

Each year in celebration of the feast of St. Frances of Rome, patroness of automobiles, Angelo Cardinal Sodano blesses Rome autos on the Via dei Fori Imperiali after Sung Mass at the Roman Basilica of Santa Maria Nova.


  1. LOL I live in Rome and I had no idea about this!

  2. The priest.monk standing by the car looks like a member of the Olivetan Benedictines by the habit, but could be another.
    Do you know what Order he is from?

  3. Yes, he is a member of the white Benedictines who have the Basilica of S. Francesca Romana.

  4. Shouldn't the car doors be opened for an automobile blessing? This is certainly the tradition (all doors, trunk, sunroof etc.) in order to symbolize the casting out of diabolical influence.

  5. Oooo, very cool car, that red that a Fiat?

    Barb in NY
