Sunday, September 6, 2009

Catholic Culture: the Minor Seminary

Looking into colleges and thinking the Lord migh be calling you to consider priesthood?

Contact your pastor and he will direct you to your diocesan vocations director.

See here for a fine minor seminary (college seminary):

Here the seminarians can be seen in procession on occasion of the beginning of the new school year.


  1. If the seminarians are allowed to dress in layclothes like this on a regular basis (even in Rome), I can understand not many want to be a priest.

    Bring back mandatory use of the cassock/soutane at all times for all diosecean seminarians (even when just going for a walk...just like the SSPX smeinarians do).

  2. I agree with anonymous, however might I ask a question, the formation provided by the SSPX seminaries is exactly what needs to be applied throughout the church as a whole. Is it possible to recieve the same formation, outside of the SSPX?

    Is it possible to be formed in a traditional manner, without having to 'exclude' oneself from the structures of the Church ?

  3. Seminary formation cannot be reduced to the wearing of the Roman cassock. Formation: clothing for sure but also spiritual, academic, human (liturgical is spiritual).
