Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Return of the Dominican Rite

Acts of the 2010 Provincial Chapter of the Province of St. Joseph (Par. 171):

We ordain that the formation of friars in the Province prepare them to assist creatively in the renewal of the liturgy of the Church, in a manner that is prudently receptive of the liturgical aims of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. Renewed interest in the recovery of the Latin liturgical heritage of the Church and the Order is to be encouraged. This should be accomplished within the context of an informed Dominican theological education that stresses the legitimate value of the post-conciliar liturgy, the value of vernacular translations, the pastoral care of persons, and the importance of an informed participation in the liturgy by the laity. Concrete forms of this liturgical renewal in the Province should include:

a. theological and spiritual formation at the Dominican House of Studies that makes Dominican friars balanced leaders in the realm of liturgical renewal with a strong sense of ecclesial communion. In this way, they will be of service to the common good of the broader Church;

b. continued use of the Dominican and wider Gregorian chant traditions, employed in the conventual Mass and Office;

c. the periodic use in formation of the ordinary form of the Mass (Novus Ordo) in the Latin language; and

d. optional education in the celebration of the Dominican Rite of the Mass, for use in private. This is to be done without prejudice to LCO* 59, II and CIC can. 902.

* ‘LCO’ refers to the Constitutions of the Order.

Thanks, Fr. Pius!


  1. Big positive difference to what the Dominicans stood for in about 1972.

  2. What does this mean, specifically? What are the bounds of the Province of St. Joseph?

  3. Their explanation of the Rite can be found here:
