III Pellegrinaggio Annuale alla Madonna del Divino Amore
Sabato, 21 Maggio 2011
16.00 - Raduno presso la Grotta di Lourdes - Inizio ufficiale del pellegrinaggio.
16.15 - Sosta presso il luogo del miracolo, seguita da una breve visita al Santuario (in gruppo, se possibile).
16.30 - Cappella dello Spirito Santo: Santo Rosario meditato.
17.00 - Santa Messa Cantata, del Cuore Immacolato di Maria (forma straordinaria). Omelia del Rev.mo Don Leonardo M. Pompei, Parroco di San Michele Archangelo, Borgo San Michele, Latina.
18.00 - Conclusione.
Obviously the two young priests in the photograph are from a traditionalist community, wearing the Roman saturno hats.
ReplyDeleteThis is to be expected from the young priests and seminarians that belong to the traditionalist Orders....no big deal.
But what would be spectacular, is of dozens of the smeinarians from various Roman Pontifical seminaries and colleges such as the Gregorian University, or the North American College would start to wear both the cassock and the saturnos again, as well as younger Roman parish priests....then we could say that a real turning point has been reached for the better.
Taking photos of traditional seminarians from the SSPX, ICRSP, or FSSP communities wearing the saturnos and cassocks is nice, but to be expected. It's old news.
But if you could find others than in traditional Orders doing adopting a return to Catholic tradition, that wouuld be more cause for cheers.
If you understand my meaning..............