Monday, February 1, 2010

From Rome's Basilica of S. Prassede: Pillar of the Scourging of Christ

Once I had the honor to bring my mother and father here; thank You, Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Hi John,
    I too venerated this relic in Rome March '08...but just this January I had the thorough joy of visiting the Holy Land. In the Catholic chapel in the church of the Holy Sepulchre is what they claim to be the 'Pillar of the Scourging'. I now fear this one on your post may not be the original despite the plaque on the relic stating that it is.
    One good reference is the book "Churches of the Holy
    Land" written by Fr. Gerard Bushell OFM (still describing the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher) quote: "Slightly
    to the north and further along (from the Latin Chapel of the
    Appearance to Mary Magdalene is) the little church of the Latins...a
    memorial to the tradition...that Jesus appeared to His Mother soon
    after the Resurrection...The Chapel of Mary is ancient, having been
    added by Constantine Monomachus (who restored the basilica ) in the
    11th was...refurbished and 1965. On the
    side altar is shown the porphyry column, three quarters of a meter
    high, which is venerated as the Column of the Flagellation, the pillar
    to which Christ was tied during his scourging.

    The one in The Holy Land is thicker and one solid colour a burgundy brown which our tour guide explained was typical of the materials of the era. So this one may in Rome may not even be a part of the original one.
