Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In Honor of a Fine Rome Priest: Abbé Franck Quoëx, S.T.D. (R.I.P.)

Everybody knew him and everybody loved him.  He was a model priest.  A man of great taste and culture.  Exquisite.  Old-school.  Very 1930s.  I can still remember the first time I saw him in 1998 and my last words to him in 2006.  And seeing him outside the Vatican just after Pope John Paul II passed away.  It was thanks in large part to his intercession and to that of souls such as Michael Davies and Mons. Schuler and other happy warriors like them that things got moving on 07.07.07. 

Here is the tribute from his best friend translated into English:


  1. I read that he was part of the Institute of Christ the King, but left for the Fraternity of St. Peter. Is that correct?

  2. He left for Liechtenstein, but was a prof at the FSSP seminary in Germany.
