Friday, January 22, 2010

Catholic Portugal: Passionists in the Vatican

Looks like one might be in need of a haircut?


  1. Why? Jesus had long hair.

  2. That's true..LOL. But he does have sandals on, which is a nice touch. Shows a little bit of the old Catholic penitential spirit. Unless the habit is just for show..etc. If these guys wear it as regular practice, that's great. But if they just throw on the habit when on the streets of Rome...that's nice too, but it's a little fake.
    Let's hope they dress this way most of the in the old days.

  3. I doubt it. In any way, the guy with long hair and the casual cassock is the Catholic Church, today.

  4. There is a reason the 1917 Codes Iuris Canonici said no sideburns and no long hair.

  5. Anonymous no.3,
    May I intervene here as a Passionist priest? No one is wearing a casual cassock. All of these religious are wearing the same Passionist habit, which has neither buttons nor a white collar. As for long hair, both our founder, Saint Paul of the Cross, and his brother, Venerable John Baptist of St Michael the Archangel, had long hair. In fact, when Saint Paul of the Cross was a young man, his misguided parish priest used to humiliate him by making him wear ribbons in his hair.
    I am delighted to see this fine group of young Passionists. Thank you, John, for the photo.
    Fr Paul Francis c.p.

  6. Mrs. Karolyn Whitney Smith, O.P.January 24, 2010 at 6:34 PM

    The Passionist Fathers are a wonderful order. I attended Sunday Mass during Lent one year when a Passionist Father was doing the Lenten Mission there. He processed down the aisle of the church at the opening of the Mass with a full size Crucifix and I knew then the Passionists would always have a special place in my heart! Praised be Jesus Christ Crucified!

  7. the website is
