Saturday, April 13, 2013

Papal Arms Rendition by Renowned French Artist Xavier d'Andeville - Triumph in the Face of Minimalist Design

The Secretary of State ought to hire this guy.  He does the best job. 


  1. Why even bother with things like this that concern Pope Francis? He has absolutley NO respect for tradition. He is the first pope in history to intentially commit a liturgical abuse. And a tiare?! We'll be lucky if he doesn't abolish the mitre.

  2. Don't confuse yobs with beauty. Minimalism is the modern heresy in the Latin Church.

  3. DELUSION is the antidote for those who longingly slap a tiara over Pope Francis' arms.

    These are sad sad times.

    Vatican II wrecked the Church.

  4. Please note that the coat of arms of H.H. Pope Francis still does not head this blog, as does it that of Emeritus Pontiff Benedict XVI.

  5. I have terribly missed Benedict. But, that is only part of it. I have terribly missed having a Pope, a Supreme and Universal Pontiff. There is nothing papal about Bergoglio. This man does not behave like a Pope; he does not look like a Pope; he does not dress like a Pope. He does not live in the Apostolic Palace either. I am not suggesting that he is deceiving us. On the contrary, he has made it very clear from the very beginning: “ I am just a simple bishop in a white cassock for the diocese of Rome. So, I only speak Italian. I act and behave like any other Italian bishop, there is nothing special about me”. He is very local, not universal and definitely not supreme. Everything that he does is another reminder that we do NOT have a Supreme Pontiff anymore. And he will keep reminding us until we get it. He identifies himself as “Bergoglio” or “Padre Jorge”. He is exactly that: just another common clergyman of the church. Actually, in the photos those members keep publishing in this thread, he looks like a regular parish priest, not even a bishop never mind a Pope. Innocent III in a dream saw St Francis of Assisi supporting the tilting papacy, not abolishing it.
    I am in a terrible grief and sadness. It is disheartening, confusing, and terribly disturbing.

  6. Jonny will never be happy, this was the same sorry pity song he kept repeating during Pope Benedict's pontificate. Sad example of disrespect for the Holy Father that Jonny showed to Pope Benedict and not to Pope Francis.

  7. There never was one "official" version of any papal arms. Different renditions are fine. Fr. Lombardi at the Vatican press office does not speak for the Church.

  8. With every day Pope Francis reigns, his style reveals more contrasts with his predecessor Benedict in ways that amount to an unspoken criticism of how the retired pontiff conducted his papacy.

  9. The official version is said to be "noble simplicity", but there is nothing noble about it.

  10. Basta facciamola finita con questo pauperismo porta solo confusione il papa è il Pastore universale della Santa Chiesa il suo stemma è la tiara la triplice corona che lo pone al di sopra di tutto e tutti Nostro Signore diede le chiavi solo a Pietro e tocca a lui reggere e governare e confermare i fratelli nella fede i vescovi i cardinali governano le chiese particolari ma sotto Pietro.

  11. First off, Baroque is not the only dignified style. Secondly, why are Francis' Arms not on the sidebar of this blog? One cannot be lukewarm in his submission to the supreme pontiff!
