Friday, April 29, 2011

Gorgeous Habit of Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul

A loss to not have it today. Hollywood would seem to agree. In 1964 the sisters did away with it. Photo taken at Knock, Ireland.


  1. Come to the National Seminary in Maynooth, Co Kildare! A train ride form Dublin. We have the most beautiful College Chapel in the world!

  2. Yes, the habit was lovely to see, wonderful to sketch, and hell to wear. I wore it. I know of what I speak. It was heavy--20 lbs, and in New Orleans it never dried out, caused constant prickly heat, and I got pneumonia once just wearing all that wool. The cornette rubbed one's ears raw--caused deafness in other Sisters.

    1. I would like to know how to make one as one of my grand daughters has a admiration for St. Catherine La-bore. She has asked me if I would make her one for All Saints Day.

  3. I remember the Sisters wearing that habit in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. They taught at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School and at the Academy of the Immaculate Conception, schools that I attended. I think it was the most beautiful habit. I have pictures of some of three of the sisters and me on the day of my graduation from 8th grade in 1962. Their names: Sr. Ines, St. Mary Rita and Sr. Margaret Mary. The other sisters were: Sr. Juliana, Sr. Isabel, Sr. Veronica. At the AIC the sisters were: Sr. Mary Joan, Sr. Louise, Sr. Ann Frances, Sr. Ignatia, Sr. Jean, Sr. Virginia, Sr. Blanche and Sr. Ernesta; they taught 9th to 12th grade. Wish I knew of their whereabouts. Bless them all!
