Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Glory of Catholic Belgium: Primate Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard at First Pro-Life March in Brussels

March 28, 2010: First ever March For Life/Mars Voor Het Leven/Marche Pour La Vie/Marsch Für Das Leben at the E.U.capital of Brussels.

Glory be to Jesus Christ for holiness and grace such as this - an apostle in our midst.

Pray, fast and do penance for an end to the menace of abortion and may the Lord save Europe from the abortion industry which spells extinction for her native blood.

1 comment:

  1. I'd bet you $50.00 that the former Primate of Belgium, the entirely corrupt and radical dissenting liberal infamous Cardinal Godfried Danneels (now caught in a growing scandal that he knew of the gay activities of the just resigned Bishop of Brugges years ago, but did nothing to stop his sexual abuse of young men) would never have appeared at this vast testimony to respect for life (and ultimately, respect for the traditions of the Church). More than likely, he would have sided with the pro-gay, pro abortion forces.
