Monday, December 5, 2011

The Death of Nuns in the West

Last one out turn off the lights.

The last are now elderly.

Hit hardest by the sexual and cultural revolution was the nun. It rendered her life utterly useless. So the nuns tried to change.

How does one know what it means to be a nun? Read The Diary of St. Faustina and you will understand how far off the mark modern convent life has become.


  1. All it takes is a spark.

  2. 1. You're a tour guide in Rome and you are somehow ignorant of the revival of nuns? Okay.
    2. Even if nuns WERE dying, a more appropriate response would be something like a tribute to all the great nuns the world has seen. Not, "Fail. big time."


  3. The Ratzinger Report has maybe the best treatise on this subject.

  4. Even nuns in Rome are elderly, except those from developing countries.
