Monday, September 5, 2011

Tomb of Pope Benedict XVI

Located in the grotto/crypt of the Vatican Basilica; this is where the remains of John XXIII and John Paul II formerly laid and now the spot remains empty.


  1. il titolo del post è veramente di cattivo gusto e irrispettoso nei confronti dell'attuale Pontefice felicemente regnante.

  2. May it please God to keep it unoccupied for many, many years.

  3. How do we know that it is for Benedict XVI? Has it already been decided that he will be entombed here? I just wansn't sure ...
    Will he decide to be entombed somewhere else within in the Vatican Grottoes or even outside the Grottoes?

  4. that's creepy/sad. wonder how BXVI feels about that.... :\

  5. Possibly it is, as it is in Spain, that the King's and Queen's remains are left in a place called "el pudridero" (the rotting place) in order to reduce the volume of the remains and later transfer them to smaller coffin. John might have seen it at El Escorial

  6. You should have said 'future tomb'....may our Holy Father still have many more years to live!

    I could have had a heart attack reading this!


  7. Bad post title John. just edit it, please.

  8. Now that he has resigned, I wonder if in the future would he still be interred here? or elsewhere
