Friday, September 16, 2011

Bring Back the Mantelletta: Important Symbol of Limited Jurisdiction

A future pope in 1958.


  1. That wasn't in 1958. Bishop Roncalli (John XXIII) was already 77 in 1958. That's the youngest 77 yr. old I've ever seen!

    Since John XXIII was consecrated a Bishop in the early 1920's, that's when this photo probably dates from!

  2. Since this photo was taken there has been an ecumenical council - Vatican II. The abolition of the mantelletta is a result of the development of doctrine wrt bishops - see Lumen Gentium 23 and 25

  3. Whilst I fully support the sentiment of its revival, the Mantelletta was actually a sign of lack of Jurisdiction. It was worn by bishops outside their own Diocese, by auxiliary bishops and by cardinals when in Rome (under the Mozzetta) as well as some canons / monsignori. The Mozzetta was the symbol of Jurisdiction.

  4. Isn't that what "Limited Jurisdiction" means?

  5. JM,
    The title of the post was changed in response to the above comment.
