Saturday, October 18, 2014

Synodus Episcoporum III Coetus Generalis Extraordinarius

How should a layman react?

What are we to do?

Have you been fasting and doing penance for a positive and fruitful outcome of the Synod?

Have you offered your Holy Communions for this intention?

Have you offered a rosary for this intention?

Have you been staying in the state of grace and praying for this intention?

Have you offered your time to teach catechesis or marriage prep in your parish or diocese?

Are you instructing your kids, or those youth within your reach, as to the truth and meaning of marriage and human sexuality?

Are you doing any of the above?  Do the best you can and strive for more. 


  1. The problem is Bruno Forte.

  2. You're a good man, Mr Sonnen.

    I've been looking at your photos for years now, they're always so uplifting and catechetical too.

    I was glad to read that you got married and now have a little girl.

    I think you must be very much in tune with your guardian angel, as it does seem that he leads you to just the right place to take your photo.

    God bless you and your family.

  3. synod = amateur hour

  4. Anyone who blames/holds responsible for the disaster of this Synod anyone other that Pope Francis is not a credible person. To come to the conclusion that the Pope is an innocent, or above it all is a complete violation of valid judgement.
    Even from the mouths of Cardinals and Bishops who are very angry at this Pope, comes the conclusion that he is to is his agenda he is trying to push........and that he will wreck the Church to do it.
    Bishop Tobin, who I think was at the Synod, has come back and published very, very negative comments about Pope Francis and his game to get what he wants.
    It is obvious that this Pope made many,.many enemies among the Bishops around the world, and faithful Catholics.
    I read where a group of young Catholics want to begin a movement to force Francis to bring him and his associates down.
    But I think Francis and his group will do that to themselves.
    The next Pope will be youngish, and will be totally otthodox....almost traditionalist. These people like Pope Francis will be running to hide with the coming of the new Pope. They will have to champion to run to (Francis). He will be gone...and so will they .

  5. The CURRENT pressing issues that actually matter are things like porn and masturbation. And, indeed, homosexuality. The Church needs an encyclical on this theme penned by the likeness of Pope Benedict.
