Saturday, December 22, 2012

Arms of Carmel on Chasuble

How it's done seen in Rome.


  1. I am a Carmelite myself but I wonder if a chasuble is the right place for the Order's arms. If it's a mark of ownership, it should go discreetly out of sight. If it's a statement about the value of the Order or the identity of the priest, it seems to me distracting and inappropriate on a chasuble. Sacred vestments are not the place for advertising oneself or one's institution.

    1. If you want to take your argument to its logical conclusion, does that mean vestment makers should not make papal vestments with the reigning pontiff's coat of arms?

  2. Great expression of team spirit.

  3. Le deseo felices fiestas y año nuevo en unión de todos su seres queridos.
    Un cordial saludo.
