Saturday, February 4, 2012

Female Leadership in the Abortion Battle

WE have been cowed by liberal media for years, like a foundering kid getting bullied in a schoolyard. Great to see a pro-life professional (a woman!) put assunder the liberal twaddle of the pro-death doctrinal cant. The face of the pro-life movement must be young, professional women, such as this fine lady, and not old white men.

1 comment:

  1. If I remem­ber well that accor­ding to the old nomenc­la­ture, today we are begin­ning Pre-​Lent, meaning imme­diate pre­pa­ra­tion for Lent. The­re­fore, there is still some time to rethink Len­ten pro­mi­ses and to take up the chal­lenge which this time of the year throws onto belie­vers.
    Fol­lo­wing Len­ten pat­tern, I would like to invite you to be espe­cially mind­ful of our unborn sisters and bro­thers. The Church gives us during that spe­cial time three gene­ral ways also cal­led, not without a reason, the most impor­tant good works. They are, as you all know, prayer, fasting and alms­gi­ving.
    father Tom Delurski, polish priest
    see all
