Friday, December 16, 2011

Tiara: Gift of East and West


  1. It was the time when the Latin Catholics, mainly the Pope, dressed according their dignity and didn't stay in inferiority towards Easterners - catholics or schismatics - as happens now and since the late 1960's.

  2. This is not a matter of "inferiority towards Easterners." The Byzantine Catholic bishop here is vested for mass and is wearing a miter. The Holy Father is not vested for mass but is wearing a cope and a crown (the triple crown) which would be removed and replaced with a miter if he were to serve mass. In any case the bishop here is kissing the pope's hand which is done rarely by Latin bishops these days. I expect he kissed his foot too.

  3. And, it is still the practice for Eastern faithful and clergy to kiss the hand even of their bishop, both liturgically (for the clergy and servers) and outside of services.
