Thursday, December 8, 2011

50th Anniversary of Vatican Council II

There have been twenty-one sacred and holy, oecumentical and general councils. The most recent was only fifty years ago.

There are apparently two Council Fathers still living in the city of Ottawa and I hope to interview them soon. Should be interesting.


  1. Vatican II, nothing to celebrate or commemorate considering the last 50 years.

    Most traditional Catholics would like the anniversary to be passed over in silence.

  2. Vatican II = DISASTROUS FAILUREDecember 8, 2011 at 6:17 PM

    Vatican II was a horrific failure. Can anyone please point out to me one singular concrete and tangible 'fruit' of this unfortunate ecumenical council?

    I repeat: "concrete and tangible!"

  3. I wonder how many Council Fathers are still living?
