Sunday, August 8, 2010

Enrico Cardinal Dante: Santo Subito


  1. "Santo Subito"?! Perche?

  2. "Santo Subito!" arose from the misguided adulation of the pop/pope star John Paul II. Now apparently it can be used for whomever we currently happen to idolize.

  3. Because he was a martyr of the Second Vatican Council. He died for his faith, persecuted by the wanton modernists.

  4. If he is proclaimed a saint, it should be because he led a life of holiness and personal sanctity that should be emulated by others, and not for traditionalist vs. modernist reasons.

    The chants of "Santo Subito" that were shouted at the funeral Mass of Venerable Pope John Paul the Great was truly a once in a lifetime moment... "vox populi", as it were...
