Thursday, December 3, 2009

Leonine Prayers and the Conversion of Russia

Overlooking the Sea of Japan yours truly climbed up to the top of this mountain in 2003 and took this photo, in Vladivstok, Russia.  A cross was first planted on this spot in A.D.1648.  Stat crux dum volvitur orbis.

Why do people no longer pray for the conversion of Russia?  Or take an interest in the message of Fatima or the Leonine prayers?

Remember that until the sixties after every Low Mass the celebrant with the faithful would say the prayers prescribed by Leo XIII in 1884 and 1886; which law was renewed by Pius X in 1903, by Benedict XV in 1915 and by Pius XI in 1930, for Russia.

If you are a priest, take off your maniple, kneel on the foot-pace and pray these prayers after every Low Mass for the conversion of Holy Russia and know that the people of Vladivostok, Russia, thank you. 

Salvator Mundi, salva Russiam.   


  1. Good thing that Cross isn't in the Mojave Desert!

  2. These prayes are not part of the Mass, according to the strict principle the celebrant is to take off the maniple before saying them; cf. Fortescue.

  3. Not necessarily, unless a function completely different from the mass follows, like exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, veneration of a relic, etc.

    The maniple is kept when the priest distributes communion immediately at the altar after the mass, since communion would be directly connected with the mass, just as the Leonine Prayers are.

  4. How bouts we pray for the conversion of the whole world, it needs it just as much as any specific country does. Leave the Orthodox alone!

  5. Who knows what Our Lady meant when She said "The conversion of Russia" It could be the conversion from abortion. Russia was the first country to make it legal. I say lets do what She asks and leave it up to Her.
    John's Mom
