Saturday, July 5, 2014

Rome Happy Birthday Wishes

Many years to Fr. Ludwig Pichler, SJ who turns 99 years old today!

He can still sing and has a great memory.  Now living at the Jesuit HQ near the Vatican.

He was the finest choir director in Rome for many decades.  I can still see him conducting, at the Russicum, moving in the shadows and following every movement of the exhilarating Byzantine chant of the Church. 

I once asked him where he was born and he quipped: "The Austro-Hungarian Empire."

 Меогая Літа! AMDG!


  1. Ein großer und so bescheidener Priester. Wie oft haben wir mit ihm Liturgie gefeiert. Unser Dank kann nur unser Gebet für ihn sein. Gottes Segen.
    Diakon byz. Ekkehard Wegener, Essen / Bochum.

  2. На многая и благая лета!
    Grazie padre Pichler!
