Monday, August 16, 2010


Yours truly just purchased this old maniple for 1 euro at an outdoor summer market along the beach near Rome.


  1. Congratulations John Paul, literally you rescued it! Nicely done, preserving catholic liturgical treasures.

  2. For all the red Masses throughout the year? No wonder it was on sale, but a good addition nonetheless.

    Off the top of my head, it would be used in: martyr feastdays, Pentecost and Octave, Palm Sunday, votive Masses of the Holy Spirit, Peter and Paul.

  3. When you wear it make sure you have on your mantilla which, I am told, you wear in the privacy of your rooms...

  4. And what do you intend to do with it ?

  5. But what are you going to do with it, John?

  6. I will donate it to the FSSP parish in Rome.

  7. Yes, I am sure that the folks at FSSP will be happy trying to match this old maniple with their old vestments!

  8. Why all the negative comments?

    It is truly right and fitting that a Catholic, seeing a Sacred Vestment on sale in a market, should buy it even if he then simply keeps it in a drawer rather than allow it to be used for profane things.

    Maniples have been thrown out and destroyed by the thousands and many vestment sets now lack them. It is better to have a maniple of the correct colour but not quite matching the rest of the vestments rather than no maniple.

  9. Ryan Ellis, red was only used on Palm Sunday for the blessing of palms and procession. Violet was worn for the Mass. God bless you.
