Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Serving Low Mass in Rome

The greatest of honors to be Christ's page at the altar.

Many thanks to dad and both grandpas for being altar servers, too!


  1. John where did you obtain the surplice you are wearing? Did you purchase it? I would like to obtain one of similar style. Could you provide me with the name of a place where I might purchase one?

  2. It's an antique found in Rome.

    The best are the antique ones. Try eBay France, etc.

    Or when you're in Rome go to Gammarelli and order what you like...

  3. Next time in Rome(when, I don't know), I will endeavor to visit some antique shops. You never know.
    I did have the privilege to serve severak Masses while on pilgrimmage to Rome in a small chapel near the Vatican back in 02'. It is something that you remember, connecting you to all those who have done it before you in the Eternal City.
