Friday, March 20, 2015

Begin to Pray and Do Penance for the Synod in October

From what has been reported, it was a complete set-up from the start. 

Begin to pray and fast for a positive outcome this fall.  It is never okay for those guilty of adultery to receive Holy Communion.  That would be a sacrilege. 

We are leading a pilgrimage to Rome and the Vatican this October which will coincide with the Synod.  Do join us.  More info here.


  1. Don't kid yourself, that is what Pope Francis wants. It breaks my heart to say so.

    It was a horrible mistake for Pope Benedict XVI to resign, we have had 2 years of a nightmare.

  2. The enemy is striking the shepherd to scatter the sheep.

  3. What gave it away??? When not a soul from the Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II per Studi su Matrimonio e Famiglia were invited to participate.
