Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Benedict on the Most Recent General Council


  1. A profound and prophetic statement.Tragically, who would understand or listen to such words today? When the current Vicar of Christ places a beach ball in the Brazilian colors, with a matching sports jersey from WYD Rio 2013 on the Altar before the icon of Our Lady Salus Populi Romani, at The Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, one has to be forgiven, if questioning, what direction The Holy Catholic Church is moving towards.

  2. It breaks my heart seeing this or any picture of Pope Benedict XVI. Sorry to say it: but it almost doesn't even feel like we have a Pope any more. So sorry to say that.

  3. I love Papa Benedict but this is one of the most ridiculous statements trying to defend VII and the VII documents that I have ever heard. Does he actually believe this?

  4. I agree 100 percent with the above comment. Every time I see a photo of Pope Benedict I start to get emotional. I pray for the new pope but this is the first time in my life that I don't "naturally" have love and respect for the pope. I can't explain it and it pains me everyday. This new pope has gone out of his wy to show disregard for Tradition and it has caused me great sorrow. Pope Benedict carried himself like a pope and spoke/taught like a pope, I just believe this pope is different, and not in a good way. Every day I wake up with a sense of dread afraid of what he will have changed today or what imprudent thing he said today. It's like a nightmare.

  5. It breaks my heart seeing this or any picture of Pope Benedict XVI. Sorry to say it: but it almost doesn't even feel like we have a Pope any more. So sorry to say that"

    I second those thoughts. And I'd go further. I believe it's Francis' agenda. But I also believe that if he tries to tamper with the office of the Papacy, he would stir up such opposition from true and faithful traditional Catholics that he would not be able to stand against it.
