Sunday, October 7, 2012

Model Priest and Citizen Father Christiaan Kappes Missing in Greece

Yours truly saw this saintly priest in Rome.  Always faithful.  Always in his Roman cassock.  Let us pray!

This from Facebook today:

Looks like Hillary Clinton's State Department has ANOTHER embassy problem on its hands:

"Father Christiaan Kappes, a priest for the Indianapolis Archdiocese, went missing in Greece last Monday after telling his family he feared for his life.

His father, Virgil Kappes, encouraged his son to go to the US Embassy for help. While at the embassy, Father Kappes called his father, who over heard the conversation. The State Department confirmed Father Kappes did visit the embassy, but he did not request safe haven. His father said his son left the embassy because he was denied safe haven. Mr. Kappes thinks the State Department is trying to cover up a mistake.

Before hanging up Father Kappes thanked his father for everything he’s done and told him he loved him. Then, he said: “Dad, if you don’t hear from me in 12 to 24 hours, I’m dead. Don’t worry. You’re never going to find me again.”"

Pray for Father Kappes - Greece is a dangerous place right now. According to this Breitbart report the State Department originally said that the priest didn't ask for help, then they changed their statement saying that he asked for "the wrong kind of help." He didn't know the secret words -- "Safe Haven" -- so now, he's probably gone.

More here:


  1. As a retired US Government employee, I can assure you that the US Department of State is the most useless organization in Federal service. They provide no assistance to the common US Citizen and everything they touch turns to C**p.

  2. Any idea why he was in danger?

  3. Found!
