Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Good Old Days Rule

Filmed at the Abbey of Casamari, near Rome: www.casamari.it.

The Cardinal is my favorite film.


  1. I always found the film a tad saccharine but I do long for the days when entry an exit processions moved at a clip, not like the draggy way they are today. Of course one can't rush in papal processions with that bumper car thing.

  2. Vatican II was like trying to rebuild a ship while in full sail. The future seems no more predictable than the weather and no easier to assess from shore than from the deck.

  3. The Cardinal would be my favorite film, too, but Preminger's lefty politics ruin it for me every time.

  4. I agree. In the good old days prelates merely blessed as they processed. Now they simply must stop and kiss babies, shake hands and have brief tete a tetes with those they pick out of the crowd (if there is a crowd). My God they already have been elected. What is worse are these tasteless offertory breaks where assorted laity (or worse, cutesy, costumed children)uncomfortably traipse up the central aisle with wafers and cruets and have private, smiley chit chats with the celebrant as if they were either total strangers or long lost family members. The pope's are absolutely the worst. Its as bad as a nail scratching a blackboard. At least a race with the bumper car would be interesting.
