Thursday, November 12, 2009

How Early Christians Preserved the Blood of the Martyrs

Notice the sponge soaked with the blood of the martyrs dripping into the jar?

The blood of the Christian martyrs was/is sacred to the memory of their own "confessio" (when they confess their Faith and then shed their blood for It). 

Sometimes the blood was kept and preserved in jars placed inside churches.  This depiction can be seen in a side chapel in the Roman Basilica of S. Pudenziana.  Yes, the blood of the martyrs is the seed of faith.    


  1. Tertullian's actual comment was 'Sanguinis Christianorum semen'; because at that time, to be a Christian was, in effect, to be a martyr.

    Let us pray for some of that Faith today; we could do with it.
