Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Papa Pacelli

Thanks, Summer!


  1. What a wonderful picture of Pope Pius XII, created during his lifetime. Even then, everyone knew he was a Saint.

    Pius XII was a Saint of substance, of true holiness. He was a Saint of the eternal Faith, the eternal Mass, the eternal Catholic Truth,

    John Paul II was a "saint" of the improvised, fabricated, fleeting, here today-gone tommorow Church of Vatican II.

    One is the Church of God (Pius XII), the other, the Church of man.

  2. Yes, a wonderful picture, indeed!

    I had a maiden aunt who was an inveterate traveler. And the pilgrimage group she was with in October 1958 was the last one to see Pope Pius XII before he died.

    The group traveled by ship from Italy to France, where they would visit Lourdes. And it was while they were at sea the news came that he had died.

    Santo Subito, Santo Papa Pio!

    Barb in NY

  3. Hello.

    I found this wonderful picture and I would like post it in my blog. Is that ok?
