Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mother of All Books on Papal Liturgies Now Available

The talk of the town.

Liturgien und Zeremonien am Päpstlichen Hof by Ulrich Nersinger.

Thanks, Benedikt, and nice work, Ulrich!


  1. http://www.caeremonialeromanum.com/

  2. Wow! That's great... but I don't have funds to buy it ("zloty" is much cheap than Euro)... ehhh...

  3. Laudetur Iesus Christus! I read Your blog for a very long time. Please contact me at lpkety@gmail.com I will be very grateful.

  4. A fine work of scholarship.

  5. I bought the book and the most fascinating for me is, how many sources Mr Nersinger studied to write his book. Unfortunately only in German, like all excellent books about ceremonies and vestments, as Joseph Braun: Die Liturgische Gewandung im Occident und Orient – nach Ursprung und Entwicklung, Verwendung und Symbolik, too.

    For all who are interested in the Pope and the ceremonies it is worth to buy it.

  6. Are there any plans to translate this book into English? I'd love to read it.
