Monday, May 10, 2010

How to Wear the Fascia

Sometimes it takes a layman...

Anyways, the fascia is to be pulled up over the belly and worn at the sternum.


  1. A good rule of thumb is to place it just below the sixth button from the top.

  2. I wonder if they could put a button hole on the inside of the fascia so it could hook over a cassok button? Any way, those of us who have a big belly have these sorts of problems. It is the same way wearing a belt with trousers, they send to slide down over the round globe.

  3. What is the name of the little cape over the shoulders used with the episcopal cassock and why is it not always worn?

  4. @Anonymous Secundus,

    It is part of the simar, it is not a cape in and of itself, although some Protty's have detachable ones....the simar is the clerical dress appropriate to any bishop. Formerly, it was appropriate for for any prelate who had jurisdiction (pope anywhere, cardinal anywhere NOT in the presence of the pope, bishop in his diocese, and any priest who was a permanent pastor, with priest in black, monsignor in appropriate shade of red, however that was changed during the Paul VI motu proprio on ecclesiastical dress.

    @ Fr. Selvester,

    So right, oh so right...

  5. It does not slide down if you put it on top of the belly tight.

  6. @First anonymus: that's it! I made it myself so my fascia doesn't slide down anymore ;-)

  7. I really like that breviary case/cover, as I am in the market for a new one!

  8. Are all the fascias fastened with velcro? Because all the ones I have had do...

  9. Can an altar server wear fascia? because of the cassock, it is black. And by the way, I counted all the buttons in my cassock and its 12. What does it signify?

  10. In my opinion, fascia is not a liturgical dress. Historically, fascia was used as an outdoor clothing or belt to tighten the cassock of a clergy or a seminarian, therefore it was only permitted to those in HOLY ORDERS and not for LAYMEN like those of the ALTAR SERVERS. But wearing of the latter depends on what a particular diocese or particular priest permits to wear for them...

  11. Is the fascia ever worn with alb, or only with cassock?

  12. I have occasionally seen fascia worn with alb. Is that usage correct, or is it reserved for wear with cassock?
