"Retired Navy Lt. John Finn—the first American to receive the nation's highest military award for defending sailors under a torrent of gunfire during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor—died yesterday. He was 100."
See here: http://www.starbulletin.com/news/20100528_Medal_of_Honor_recipient_defended_sailors_during_Pearl_Harbor_attack.html
Monday, May 31, 2010
Rome Procession with Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Holy Mass and procession at Roman Basilica of San Nicola in Carcere. The icon is kept in the Basilica. The rector led the procession.
Empress of the Americas, pray for us!
Thanks, Barbara!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Fr. Foster's Summer Latin 2010
As has been common knowledge for the last few months, Summer Latin is going ahead in Milwaukee, and interested persons need to contact Fr. Reggie to request the entrance test. The address to write to is here: http://de-tribulis.blogspot.com/.
Note, though, that Summer Latin starts in early June (just about now). Cutting it very fine to start making enquiries at this point!
Fr. Reggie said he's had about SEVENTY applications and the applicants have a very high average level of Latinity (the best it's ever been, he said).
Note, though, that Summer Latin starts in early June (just about now). Cutting it very fine to start making enquiries at this point!
Fr. Reggie said he's had about SEVENTY applications and the applicants have a very high average level of Latinity (the best it's ever been, he said).
First Ever Official Italian Chapter at Annual Paris-Chartres Pilgrimage
St. Philip Neri chapter from Rome.
Forza, ragazzi!
Thanks, Agnese!
Join them in 2011: http://www.nd-chretiente.com/index-eng.php.
The Catholic Artist in Italy: Gloria from Belgium
Gloria's ancestors were artists.
Over twenty years ago she moved to Italy and began to paint non-stop.
May flowers in Lazio!
Dr. Alice von Hildebrand in Rome
A great honor to spend time with Alice.
Support her latest effort: http://www.hildebrandlegacy.org/.
Her husband, Dr. Dietrich von Hildebrand, was a convert to the Faith and the greatest Catholic intellectual of the xxth century.
"Dietrich von Hildebrand is a twentieth century Doctor of the Church."
-Venerable Pius XII
Support her latest effort: http://www.hildebrandlegacy.org/.
Her husband, Dr. Dietrich von Hildebrand, was a convert to the Faith and the greatest Catholic intellectual of the xxth century.
"Dietrich von Hildebrand is a twentieth century Doctor of the Church."
-Venerable Pius XII
As the Glorious Legends of Old Retire (Who Will Replace Them?)
Rev. Dr. Al Wilder, O.P. on his last day of class after teaching the sacred science in Rome for thirty-seven years.
A legend has retired and the students honored him with a surprise thank you.
A convert to Catholicism he graduated from Harvard and entered the Order of Preachers to become a Thomist. A wizard at philosophy and theology he remained faithful and through the long and difficult years he taught thousands of Rome students the Faith.
He was one bright light who shined upon many: res accedent luminis rebus (one light shines upon others).
See here: http://vitaperegrinatioest.blogspot.com/.
Thanks for the pic, Mary Ann!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Papal Arms with Tiara
Image from the Internet.
Why is the tiara so important on the papal arms as a symbol of Christian unity?
"In order that the episcopate itself might be one and undivided, He placed blessed Peter over the other apostles, and instituted in him a permanent and visible source and foundation of unity of faith and fellowship."
-Vatican Council II (Lumen Gentium, 18).
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Rome Tomb of Blessed Apostles Philip and James the Less
Roman Basilica of XII Apostles.
For years the Americans in Rome were ordained here as the American College was just around the corner on the Via dell' Umiltà.
Today Philip Gerard Johnson was prayed for here:
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Rome Tomb of Saint Philip Neri
Decorated for his feast day today.
A lovely chapel: Templa quam dilecta! (How lovely are Thy temples!).
Today Philip Gerard Johnson was prayed for here:
Old Confessional of Don Pacelli (Future Pius XII)
After ordination in 1899 his first assignment was to this parish, Rome's Chiesa Nuova. This was his confessional box, still in use even today.
Relics of Pope Saint Pius V
Some really special relics of Pope Saint Pius V ended up in the hands of Saint Philip Neri. He and his Oratorians have preserved them and they remain some of the best kept. These can be seen at the Chiesa Nuova in Rome.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Maintain the Tiara on the Papal Stemma
Mos pro lege (usage has the force of law).
Mores are customary usages (unwritten laws). Such was always the case with the tiara on the papal coat-of-arms. Today there is some unecessary confusion as we sometimes see the mitre put in place of the tiara [as seen here] which clearly comes from a confused idea of collegiality.
With the death of Pope John Paul and the quick election of Pope Benedict the new arms of the newly elected Pontiff was printed on a square of white with no tiara and was simply attached over the former embroidered arms of tiara, keys and crest of Pope John Paul [as depicted in photo].
It has been five years already. Commission a new drapery with the new arms of the newly elected Pope embroidered with tiara, keys and crest and tell people why (cf. Lumen Gentium Chapter III: The Hierarchial Structure of the Church).
Study Abroad Program in Rome
"The city of Rome is the most important centre of ecclesiastical studies in the world."
-Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski,
Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education
Monday, May 24, 2010
Rome Sunset from the Mons Caelius
View from the rooftop terrace of the Passonist seminary atop the Caelian Hill.
These ancient Latin words come to mind:
Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei (the heavens are telling the glory of God)!
Prayers for Philip
Philip is a legend.
A fine seminarian.
Please pray for his health: http://philipgerardjohnson.blogspot.com/.
Let us pray for a miracle, Deo volente.
Caelitus mihi vires (my strength is from heaven).
A fine seminarian.
Please pray for his health: http://philipgerardjohnson.blogspot.com/.
Let us pray for a miracle, Deo volente.
Caelitus mihi vires (my strength is from heaven).
Better Tiara Than Mitre on Papal Coat-of-Arms (cf. Vatican II's Christus Dominus)
Tiara: symbol of Christian unity.
Why the tiara and not the mitre?
This is what the Decree on the Bishops' Pastoral Office in the Church has to say:
"In this Church of Christ the Roman Pontiff is the successor of Peter, to whom Christ entrusted the feeding of His sheep and lambs. Hence by divine institution he enjoys supreme, full, immediate, and universal authority over the care of souls. Since he is pastor of all the faithful, his mission is to provide for the common good of the universal Church and for the good of the individual churches. He holds, therefore, a primacy of ordinary power over all the churches."
Commentary by Fr. Walter M. Abbott, S.J.: "The terms describing different levels of authority fall into three categories: (1) that of the Pope; (2) that of the college of bishops; (3) that of individual bishops in their own dioceses. The Pope in his own right has authority that is supreme - over all the churches; full - over everything pertaining to them; immediate - over all members, including bishops, without intermediary; and ordinary - by the very reason of his office (not delegated). The college of bishops, together with its head the Pope and never without him, has this same authority over the universal Church. In his own diocese the local bishop has the same power, but it is particular to a given diocese, and subordinate (as Karl Rahner put it) to the suprme authority because the universal Church as an event is manifested in a particular diocese, and the bishop embodies the universal Church whose unity is embodied in the Pope."
Rome Students to Make Holy Hour of Reparation
In solidarity with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, Rome's students of Pontifical Universities and Roman Athenaea cordially invite you to:
May 29, 2010
Altar of the Chair
St. Peter’s Basilica
10 am: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
11 am: Holy Hour with meditation by Mons. Charles Scicluna
11.45 am: Solemn Benediction
See you there!
May 29, 2010
Altar of the Chair
St. Peter’s Basilica
10 am: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
11 am: Holy Hour with meditation by Mons. Charles Scicluna
11.45 am: Solemn Benediction
See you there!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Pentecost in Rome
Pantheon: in a once pagan temple, now Christian worship.
Dew of the Holy Spirit through the world's largest masonry vault while the faithful chant Veni Sancte Spiritus.
From Rome's Beloved Shrine of Divino Amore: Usus Antiquior
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Solemn High Mass celebrated by Mons. Guido Pozzo, segretario of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, with faithful from in and around Rome.
Many thanks, Barbara!
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