Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Today in Madrid began the World Youth Day AD MMXI.

An honor to be here. Laus Deo!

Pray, fast and do penance for its success.

But just an observation: the opening Mass was in Spanish. Why?

1.5 million pilgrims from across the globe at an international, Latin rite Mass.

But no Latin, because Latin is bad. And you are bad if you want it.

Note to our bishops: stop the polemic against Latin in the Latin rite. And give us what is ours.


  1. Point taken. Latin would definitely be helpful at a Mass like World Youth Day opening.

  2. And this is one of the reasons, out of many, I cannot and will not support WYD.

  3. Hatred for Latin remains strong. Is this news? What cathedral offers a Latin Mass?

  4. check out this feed of American TLM worshippers.

  5. All the best for you and your group. Have a wonderful time in Madrid. Plenty of fruitful experiences.
    Watch out if you see a priest wearing the Spanish bonete and make a picture of him.

  6. if i was a Bavarian i would be offended. This is flag usurpation!

  7. If you wanted full reporting, it would have been helpful if you had noted that the ordinary of the mass and the pater noster was in Latin!

  8. The Pater Noster was in Latin AND THE PER IPSUM and last blessing. But notice how the cardinal got the last blessing in Latin wrong?????

  9. It is so amusing how people note the crumbs that they are given and tabulate them for comparison with other events. I seem to recall how Benedict XVI stated that Latin should be used for these spectacles but to date he has never employed it at his own extravaganzas, except of course for the odd crumbs here and there.

  10. I wish you a happy WYD in Madrid!!

    Latin... well, we've got some complex.

    From Spain, an often reader
    P. Albrit

  11. Who would have ever thought? At the Love and Life Centre in Madrid (centre for Anglophone youth), the main daily Mass is sung in Latin chant taught by the sister to the congregation!

    When the sister talks about singing in chant and Latin....the crowd of 12,000 English speaking youth from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Asia whoops and cheers!!!!!

    http://www.livestream.com/wydcentral/video?clipId=pla_06d1b3f7-88dd-4100-900b-8580a4358f29&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb From 2:03:00 onwards the sister teaches the crowd the sacred chants of the Mass...

    (This is the same crowd that gave a standing ovation to Card Pell earlier in the day)

  12. well it was not in latin for a reason of compromise, many people under 38 years of age in Spain don't know latin and I guess this lack of knowledge is more or less universal. If you remember the lecture was in english "he who buids his house on rock..." from St MAthew, part of the mass was in different languages, even in korean. The archbishop of Madrid Rev. P. Antonio MArĂ­a Rouco Varela is fluent in german and of course, latin. "IT never rains to everyone's contempt"

  13. for mass in latin in MAdrid try http://www.misas.org/p/real-oratorio-del-caballero-de-gracia-madrid

    Also www.misas.org is a place to find mass in Spain
