Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Catholic Artist

In Italy yours truly has met both of these men.

They are exquisite artists and fine married men with kids.

Young artists, follow their lead...and pastors, keep them in mind.



1 comment:

  1. Mr Sonnen,
    Thank you for posting my link to your enjoyable Blog!

    It was a pleasure to meet you in Rome after the gloriously sung Mass offered by Uwe Michael Lang at Santissima TrinitĂ  dei Pellegrini.
    Inside that wonderful church you can only imagine the mortification for my eyes to find that the good priests of the Fraternity had drawn the Lenten curtains over the altar painting by Guido Reni. (And it was Lent after all but you know, sometimes abstinence walks dangerously close to iconoclasm).

    I was visiting Rome to meet Danish author Steen Heidemann who had collected some of my art to be included in his spectacular new book published in six languages, "The Catholic Priest -- Image of Christ through Fifteen Centuries of Art." (Ignatius Press in the USA).

    Archbishop Burke called the book "a profound tool to help deepen an appreciation for the priesthood," and said he was particularly struck by the images in the book that show the connection between the priesthood, Jesus Christ and the Eucharist.

    "In these days when we hear very sad news about some priests in the press, it is easy to miss the reality of the priest's divine vocation, which is a mission to be 'another Christ' at all times and places," he said.

    In his essay Archbishop Burke wrote, "The artist can show how the priesthood in its being and action unites the human to the divine, and can thus rekindle the flame of enthusiasm which has always stimulated respect for the priesthood among the faithful."
