Wednesday, November 21, 2018

ANNOUNCING: Chartres Pilgrimage 2019 and Post-Chartres Pilgrimage!

Register here for the 2019 Chartres Pilgrimage:

And here for the 2019 post-Chartres Spiritual Highlights of France Pilgrimage:

Don't miss out on the largest annual Traditional Catholic event!


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Traditional Catholic Malta Pilgrimage 2019

Malta Discovery Pilgrimage with Fr. Robert Fromageot, FSSP.  

September 2-11, 2019.  

See where St. Paul was shipwrecked in Acts 27-28 and participate in the annual Our Lady of Victories celebration in commemoration the the heroic outcome of the Great Siege of Malta of 1565, the climax of an escalating contest between Christian Europe and the Islamic Ottoman Empire.  

Limited seating. 

See here for more info or to register online: 

The Homosexualist Attack on Civilization

"The process of death-wishing, in the guise of liberalism, has been eroding the civilization of the west for a century and more, and now would seem to be about to reach its apogee. The Liberal mind, effective everywhere, whether in power or in opposition, has provided the perfect instrument. Systematically, stage by stage, dismantling our Western way of life, depreciating and depreciating all its values so that the whole social structure is now tumbling down, dethroning its God, undermining all its certainties. And all this, wonderfully enough, in the name of health, wealth and happiness of all mankind. Previous civilizations have been overthrown from without by the incursion of barbarian hordes; ours has dreamed up its own dissolution in the minds of its own intellectual elite. Not Bolshevism, which Stalin liquidated along with the old Bolsheviks; not Nazism, which perished with Hitler in his Berlin bunker; not Fascism, which was left hanging upside down from a lamp-post along with Mussolini and his mistress - none of these, history will record, was responsible for bringing down the darkness on our civilization, but Liberalism. A solvent rather than a precipitate, a sedative rather than a stimulant, a slough rather than a precipice; blurring the edges of truth, the definition of virtue, the shape of beauty; a cracked bell, a mist, a death wish..." 

-Malcolm Muggeridge

Traditional Catholic Pilgrimage to England

You have asked for it and here it is.  Walsingham, Brompton Oratory and more!

See HERE for details.  

To avoid disappointment register early!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Rome Quotes

“The only really effective apologia for Christianity comes down to two arguments, namely, the saints the Church has produced and the art which has grown in her womb."  

-Cardinal Ratzinger

Dominican Prayer from the Angelicum University in Rome

A rare piece of history.  We need to be bringing this stuff back.  All of it.  

Chrysler of Pius XII and John XXIII

In 1966 sadly a lot of Vatican cars were sold to make room for a more modern fleet.  Ugh, it was the sixties.

Some years ago I heard that Pope Pius XII's and John XXIII's 1954 Imperial Chrysler is kept here on the edge of Bologna:

I hope to visit soon and post a decent image.  The car was bought 30 years ago by a wealthy auto collector by the name of Mario Righini and today is kept in his private collection in Bologna.

Interesting info on the car made by Ghia of Turin:

I am also in search of John XXIII's 1960 Mercedes if anyone has any leads.

This auto I wish the Vatican had kept and still used:

Remembrance Day/Veterans Day: Honoring Our Heroes

It was a great honor for me to shake hands with this warrior, Harold Thorp, a World War II hero who fought in the Pacific.  He wears the 1939-1945 Star and the Burma Star.  Thank you to all our veterans!  Lest we forget.

St. Maximilian Kolbe in the Coliseum

A future martyr killed in a brutal fashion.  

A modern saint.  The saint of our day.  

History is prologue.

The Poetry of Leo XIII

"Auguror: Apparent flammantia lumina coelo,
Sidereoque rubens fulget ab axe dies."

-Leo XIII, Poems.

Rome Quotes

"Heart of Jesus, loaded down with opprobrium, have mercy on us."

-Litany of the Sacred Heart

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Catholic Memes on Bad Music in Church

I think we all had our fill of Glory & Praise.  Every funeral and every Mass in between. 

Rome Quotes

Hence let all citizens be mindful of their simultaneous right and duty to vote freely in the interest of advancing the common good.

-Gaudium et Spes, 75.

Vote Today!

A friend of my recently lost an election for school board trustee by 28 votes.  Get out and vote!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Friday, November 2, 2018

Rome Quotes

"Our historical textbooks, those upon which our Catholic youth is trained, are the textbooks of the opposition."

-Hilaire Belloc

Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Lunacy of the Homosexualist Attack on the Family and Civilization

If you raise any opposition you will loose your job.  Without question.  

Which begs the question: who are the real bullies?

A world without Christianity is a world gone mad.

This poster is troubling.  I believe, if memory serves, this is what one would call discrimination.

Public agencies have no business granting special consideration to anybody.  This is discrimination. 

There are countless subsets of the population that suffer from discrimination, including all of us in one form or another. 

One of the great tragedies of our day is that persons with a homosexual inclination are defining themselves by their sexuality and not by their humanity.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

Catholic Culture: Classical Music

This poster is lovely.  God bless the faithful behind these great initiatives.  There is hope for the world.  

Friday, October 26, 2018

Rome Quotes

"The Antichrist will not be so called; otherwise he would have no followers.  He will come disguised as the Great Humanitarian; he will talk peace, prosperity and plenty not as means to lead us to God, but as ends in themselves.  He will tempt Christian(s) with the same three temptations with which he tempted Christ...  He will have one great secret which he will tell no one; he will not believe in God.  Because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect.  He will set us a counter-church...  It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content.  It will be a mystical body of Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ."

-Fulton Sheen 

Rome Quotes

"It is characteristic of any decaying civilization that the great masses of the people are unconscious of the tragedy...only those who live by faith know what is happening in the world...the great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive process going on, because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen."

-Fulton Sheen

Catholic Culture: Catholic Historian (Support This Man)

I encourage everyone to watch this video.

Jason Brown is an adult convert to the Faith, and a few months away from his PhD in Church History.  A solid man.

He has started an Indigogo campaign to teach a live university level Church History course online.

If you know anyone who may be interested in supporting such a project, please pass along the link.

I think this is a great way to help increase the amount of solid Catholic material on Youtube.

We have been praying for a new generation of Catholic historians!  This is the answer.  

7th Annual International Roman Pilgrimage "Summorum Pontificum" 2018

Be there!

This is the largest annual Traditional Catholic event in Rome and the Vatican.

Numbers count.  This event is incredible to experience. 

Join the forces of glory!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Studying in Rome: A Guide to Pontifical Schools

I recently wrote this article to help students discern where to study in Rome.

Accidentally I left out the Augustinianum.  Sorry!  Will have to amend. 

In any event, here is the article and please share with any young person you may know who may be called to study in Rome:

Let's get the word out!

Blessed Karl of Austria: An Example to All Leaders

I was privileged to attend his beatification in the Vatican as well as to meet his son and heir, Otto.  May we follow their eloquent example of public fidelity and piety. 

St. Thomas Aquinas on Bad Seminarians and Weeding Them Out

"When public relations techniques are used to promote vocations, with advertising in religious publications and direct mailings designed to encourage young people to join a given society or community, the danger is always present that stress will be placed on numbers to the neglect of quality.  Saint Thomas insists that the weeding out of the unfit is an obligation of those charged with the selection of candidates...Avoid the methods of the world in promoting vocations.  It is possible to win customers in business by publicity techniques, but vocations require a different approach.  We may never be many, we may never be wise in the eyes of the world, but whatever we do must be done through the foolishness of the Cross."

-Fulton Sheen (Priest and Victim, Chapter 4: The Holiness of the Priest)

From the Angelic Doctor:

"Ad primum ergo dicendum quod Deus numquam ita deserit Ecclesiam suam, quin inveniantur idonei ministri sufficientes ad necessitatem plebis, di digni promoverentur, et digni repellent.  Et si non possent tot ministri inveniri, quot modo sunt, melius esset habere paucos ministros bonos quam multos malos, ut dicit beatus Clemens, epist. 2 ad Jacobum fratrem Dom., ante med."

-St. Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologiae III, Supp. q. 36, De Distinctione Ordinum, art. 4 ad I)

Rome Quotes

"Great truths are revealed to and placed in the custody of the few who are dedicated to the battle of faith."

-Fulton Sheen

Rome Quotes

"Because the holiness of the priest in God's designs makes the Church holy, those who seek the priesthood but are wanting in holiness must be purged."

-Fulton Sheen

Rome Quotes

"As Western civilization loses its Christianity, it loses its superiority."

-Fulton Sheen

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Norcia Mass at Birthplace of St. Benedict Before the Devastating 2016 Earthquake

God bless the monks of Norcia.  I took these photos in 2015, just one year before the basilica was destroyed during the infamous earthquake.  And God bless our dear chaplain, Fr. William Ashley, who celebrated Mass in the crypt for our small band of Canadian pilgrims.  Little did we know that a year later the historic church and crypt would lay in a pile of rubble.  By God's grace, no lives were lost.  I wrote this short article to alert people the monks are rebuilding and fundraising in earnest:

Chiesa della Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini

Have you been?

Make a stop here on your next trip to Rome!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Revival of Thomism at Rome's Angelicum

Nice to see a renewed interest in teaching Thomas at the Angelicum.  This will be the salvation of the Ange.  It has to offer something.  Something to set it apart. 

What It Looks Like When a Bishop Does Public Penance

Montini in Milan doing a "processione penitenziale" after the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956.  The hood of the cappa magna is up to make the penitent "anonymous."  

We need a return of this wonderful Catholic tradition.  

Dominican Tonsure in 1950s Rome

Typical massive ordination in 1950s Rome, pictured here in 1953 at Sant'Agnese in Piazza Navona.

What to Read on Vacation: Liberalism is a Sin

A must read.  The author, Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, is so important his name is actually depicted in a fresco inside the main entrance cortile of the hallowed Abbey of Santa Maria de Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain (near Barcelona).  I have seen it with my own eyes. 

Buy NOW:

Angelicum Diploma of Pope St. John Paul II

He received a licentiate in spiritual theology in 1948 "summa cum laude." 

In 1963 the Angelicum was granted the title pontifical "university" by Pope St. John XXIII. 

The original date of the foundation of the Dominican college in Rome was 1577, founded at the Dominican convent of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.   

Study in Rome: Angelicum!

The Church is in need of lay philosophers, theologians, canonists, teachers and professors!   Study in Rome at the Angelicum (most courses offered in English!):

Catholics: Support Pro-Life!

If you are doing nothing for pro-life, then you are lacking in your Faith.  "Rescue those who are being dragged to death."  -Proverbs 24:11.