Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Vatican's Corpo della Gendarmeria

In Vatican service ranks, these guys are top of the pay scale. And here, too, there is nepotism. A pity they now wear these new French-looking hats.

New Vatican Chairs

Nice. The gorgeous fabric likely is made in Genova. ...but somebody forgot to put a coat-of-arms in the actual coat-of-arms.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Finalmente: Arrivaderci Tettamanzi e Manganini

Milano ha sofferto. Finalmente, un rinnovamento morale. Auguri a tutti quanti e viva Milano!

Ego Vobis Romae Propitius Ero

Rome's Basilica of San Ignazio.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

America's Favorite Seminarian with Pope's Secretary

Philip Gerard Johnson at the papal summer villa with personal secretary of the pope, Mons. Georg. Thanks, Philip! And it was great to see you!

Read of Philip's story here and be inspired:

Bring Back the Flabelli

Last seen in the sixties thanks to a fit of modernization - would be nice to see them again.

How It's Done: Requiem for a Catholic Monarch

From November 28-29, 1916 the coffin of Franz Joseph laid here in state inside the private chapel of the Hofburg Palace.

Notice around the coffin are laid reproductions of the crowns of the Hapsburg kingdoms along with collars of the imperial orders and even the Emperor's general's cap, arranged on cushions.

Why the Cassock Matters

The cassock remains, after ever passing fashion.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Homeless People Fed in the Vatican Every Day

It's called the Dono di Maria (Gift of Mary); the Vatican's soup kitchen located inside a side corner of the Vatican City State. Founded by Pope John Paul II after the invitation of Mother Teresa, countless homeless men are fed here each evening inside the Vatican. Here you can see them lining up as they do each day for a lovely free meal served by the Missionary Sisters of Charity and their volunteers.

Rome's Famous Cat on Bike

Just about every day this man can be seen biking through Rome with this sleepy gattone on his shoulders. To say the least, it's quite a sight!

Catholic Belgium

Cardinal Mercier the Great.

Best Gelato in Rome?

To each his own, fine. But yours truly goes to Sublime on Borgo Pio, 40, for gelato made of real Snickers.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stupidity in the Musei Vaticani: False Gods For Sale

Are these designed for kids? Or for the elderly? For teens? Who is meant to buy these? Catholic pilgrims?

Inside the entrance of the Vatican Museums this is what you see in the gift shop. Nutty, vero? The almighty dollar, and poor museum management

The cardboard inserts describe these trinkets as gods and good luck charms and even spirits.

Rome Quotes

"Ars Artem Salvat."


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stupidity in the Musei Vaticani: La Collezione D'Arte Religiosa Moderna

Hideous image in the Vatican Museums, vero?

The artist, who scratched his name on the depicted precious veil, is Bernard Buffet, a crazed bisexual "religious artist" who later committed suicide.

Just do a Google search of any of these artists and you will see that something is out of place (i.e. odd Fascists such as Mario Sironi, Ardengo Soffici, Carlo CarrĂ , or Socialist Aligi Sassu, homoerotic artist Filippo de Pisis, etc.).

Art historians have complained for years that the Vatican Museums has wasted precious space (some 55 rooms, beginning in the historic Borgia apartment) to exhibit some 600-800 such works by contemporary artists, some still living.

This art was big when it hit the scene, but today is worthless.

Time to let the Vatican know that the Vatican Museum's collection of modern religious art can go, taking up space since 1973 to the detriment of more precious works, now locked in the deposits for "lack of space".

One prominent art historian has suggested that it can all be absorbed into the Collezione Paolo VI Arte Contemporanea now kept at the new Centro Studi dell'Istituto Paolo VI located at Concesio, near Milan:

And to the brass of the Vatican Museums: many thanks for having taken away earlier this year the large and offensive painting at the entrance of the Borgia apartment of the depressed business man crucified as Christ on the cross.

From the Vatican: Fresco of Pius IX Declaring Dogma of the Immaculate Conception

In the Borgia tower; seen is the definition and proclamation of the dogma on Dec. 8, 1854.


Lunch in the Vatican Museums.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Catholic Berlin

AD 1952.

May all of the dead pray for the success of the papal visit to Berlin.

Apartment Near Rome For Rent

A friend from Rome, Renato, owns three flats in this building and wants to rent one or more of them for the academic year.

The property is located just outside Rome, in the beach town of Santa Marinella; and is reached by train. If interested, and you speak Italian, give him a ring: 333 221 6140.

The property is a nine minute walk to the train station and a two minute walk to the church, grocery store and port.