Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Eugenio Pacelli with Eugenio Pacelli
Name your kids after popes.
I myself was named after John Paul the Great. Name one of your kids after Gregory and another after Clement, etc.
This nice guy, Signor Pacelli, was born on March 5, 1939. So? His parents named him Eugenio in honor of the new Pope!
He was born near Viterbo and now lives at the port of Rome, Civitavecchia. Photo taken at Santa Marinella, near Rome.
Friday, June 25, 2010
What to Read While in Rome
Just glorious.
Read it in the shadow of the mighty Coliseum.
The Martyrs of the Coliseum by Canadian Fr. A.J. O'Reilly can be purchased here: https://www.tanbooks.com/index.php?keyword=the+martyrs+of+the+coliseum&PHPSESSID=ed29d66f2592d474aa732786462b2106&page=shop%2Fsearch&user_id.
Better yet, read it before your trip to Rome and be inspired.
Rome Quotes
"Bear the burden of one another's failings; then you will be fulfilling the law of Christ."
-Galatians 6:2
-Galatians 6:2
Oremus ad Michaelem Archangelum, Ut Medici Abortiva Perferrentes Convertantur
Persequemini orantes!
Sanctus Míchael Archángelus
Prínceps gloriosíssime caeléstis milítiae, sancte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proelio advérsus príncipes et potestátes, advérsus mundi rectóres tenebrárum harum, contra spirituália nequítiae in caeléstibus.
Veni in auxílium hóminum, quos Deus ad imáginem similitúdinis suae fecit, et a tyránnide diáboli emit prétio magno.
Te custódem et patrónum sancta venerátur Ecclésia; tibi trádidit Dóminus ánimas redemptórum in supérna felicitáte locándas.
Deprecáre Deum pacis, ut cónterat Sátanam sub pédibus nostris, ne ultra váleat captívos tenére hómines et Ecclésiae nocére.
Offer nostras preces in conspéctu Altíssimi, ut cito antícipent nos misericórdiae Dómini, et apprehéndas dracónem, serpéntem antíquum, qui est diábolus et sátanas et ligátum mittas in abýssum, ut non sedúcat ámplius gentes.
Sanctus Míchael Archángelus
Prínceps gloriosíssime caeléstis milítiae, sancte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proelio advérsus príncipes et potestátes, advérsus mundi rectóres tenebrárum harum, contra spirituália nequítiae in caeléstibus.
Veni in auxílium hóminum, quos Deus ad imáginem similitúdinis suae fecit, et a tyránnide diáboli emit prétio magno.
Te custódem et patrónum sancta venerátur Ecclésia; tibi trádidit Dóminus ánimas redemptórum in supérna felicitáte locándas.
Deprecáre Deum pacis, ut cónterat Sátanam sub pédibus nostris, ne ultra váleat captívos tenére hómines et Ecclésiae nocére.
Offer nostras preces in conspéctu Altíssimi, ut cito antícipent nos misericórdiae Dómini, et apprehéndas dracónem, serpéntem antíquum, qui est diábolus et sátanas et ligátum mittas in abýssum, ut non sedúcat ámplius gentes.
Rome's "Little House on Humility Street" Restored
Now the Casa Santa Maria, once the actual Pontifical North American College.
The outside has been restored and it looks great!
How to Get More Nuns?
Out of hundreds of possible ways of fostering vocations, prayer was the single one Our Lord specified:
"The harvest, He told them, is plentiful enough, but the laborers are few; you must ask the Lord to Whom the harvest belongs to send laborers out for the harvesting."
-Luke 10:2.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tomb of Monsignor Richard J. Schuler (1920 - 2007)
He was good at being a priest. A father to many. He was a vessel of election during this tricky postconciliar era. We were his sons and he loved us. He promoted vocations. He treated us as equals. His mildness, joy and benevolence were felt by all. His benign influence was felt by countless priests and future priests. He had an open door and all were welcome at his table. He had leniency and justice in dealing with youth. He was eminently civil. A true gentleman. He loved the providence of God, the Roman rite and the Church's patrimony of sacred music. He loved Rome and further excited me to love Her. When he passed away I felt a major loss in my life. He always kept his sense of humor and was fiercely loyal to the See of Peter. He ought to be raised to the honors of the altar.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tomb of Very Reverend Richard T. O'Connor (1911 - 1998)
He had the brilliant mind of a rapier. He had graduated from high school with my grandfather in 1929 and went on to study at Rome's Pontifical North American College and was ordained in Rome. He was my first inspiration to know and love Rome. The Lord gave me the passion through him. He once said to my mother that he had been ordained over the tomb of St. Peter and that it had not all been a bed of roses. In later years he was blind and was the best Confessor I have ever witnessed. I cried my eyes out the last time I saw him. I always wanted to be like him. He was my hero.
Tomb of Monsignor Clarence J. "Mike" Steiner (1918 - 1998)
This is the priest who most formed me in my youth. He had studied at Louvain before the war. My father had been his altar boy and then I, too, had the same honor. My parents were with him when he passed away. He loved to hear Confessions. While in the 8th grade he became my weekly confessor. He was a holy man. After I made my Confession he would always say: "That was a very good Confession. Remember that it was God's grace that brought you here." I will never forget those words, or his mercy. I wept bitterly at his funeral.
Tomb of Father John Kelley (1932 - 2002)
The priest who heard my first Confession and gave me my first Holy Communion. He was a former Crosier. He was a.k.a. "Machine-gun Kelley" or "Shot-gun Kelley" thanks to his quick Low Mass which meant a lot to a lot of people.
Tomb of Father Patrick D. Lannan (1941 - 1998)
A fine man. Please pray for the repose of his soul. He was instrumental in my formation. I was his proud altar boy for years. He was a big shot and wealthy and we all looked up to him.
When in Rome: Shine Your Shoes
After a shine and before a shine.
My pastor, Fr. Pat Lannan, gave me these old shoes of his in 1997.
I still wear them and this is the before and after of yesterday's shoe shine!
Please pray for the repose of his soul (1941 - 1998).
Rome's Pius XII Statue
Scultore Prof.
Antonio Berti Fiorentino
William Ciocchetti Esegui
Restauro 1998
Circolo S. Pietro
Monday, June 21, 2010
Rome Hunt in the Sea
You don't want to meet an infuriated beast like this.
The Emperors themselves used to eat these during the time of the ancient Empire.
With pompous eulogiums one can extol a dead octopus, but dinner is dinner and Martial would agree.
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
Desire to save souls.
I am not alone, Jesus is with me.
"I will do everything within my power to save souls, and I will do it through prayer and suffering."
-St. Maria Faustina
Scala Regia of the Palazzo Apostolico
Pius XI, of glorious memory, had this new granite floor put in in the twenties.
Always genius and munificence from this great Pontiff.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Octopus Hunt at the Sea of Rome
The reeking and sickening vapours of its black ink could not save it.
The sea is a cauldron of danger...
...and now it's time for some chow!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI Blesses New Bronze Bust of Venerable Pius XII
Photo credit: Osservatore Romano.
June 2, 2010: Pope Benedict blesses new bust of Pope Pacelli made in Rome for the Rome resort town of Santa Marinella where the young Pacelli vacationed in his youth.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Finally in English: Get it Here
One great Dominican legend who taught us in Rome was Fr. Sergio Tommaso Stancati, O.P.
His passion is eschatology and he is the first guy ever to translate into English the famous Prognosticon Futuri Saeculi which was written by the bishop St. Julian of Toledo in the vii century A.D. (this volume is a must read and it even addresses questions of bioethics). Until now it was only available in Latin, Spanish, Italian, etc.
See here: http://www.prognosticum.info/.
His passion is eschatology and he is the first guy ever to translate into English the famous Prognosticon Futuri Saeculi which was written by the bishop St. Julian of Toledo in the vii century A.D. (this volume is a must read and it even addresses questions of bioethics). Until now it was only available in Latin, Spanish, Italian, etc.
See here: http://www.prognosticum.info/.
Low Mass with an American Bishop in Rome
June 13, 2010
Church of Jesus and Mary on the Via del Corso.
Holy Mass hosted by Institute of Christ the King.