Mexico City's Altar of the Kings: Splendor of Mexican Baroque

Our group was thrilled to have a special Mass here at the royal altar, a rare privilege.

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City is a "processional church;" in other words, it has not one but three main/high altars.  Pictured here is the third, the altar in the far apse.  The altar of the emperors.   

The stunning design is Mexican Baroque/Churrigueresque style.  Cedar gilded in gold, the effect is a portal into heaven.  It took nineteen years to construct.

The statues depict various saints, including saintly royalty and Holy Roman Emperors.  Many relics of these saints are entombed in the altar.

Some of the statues of royals who have been canonized include both men and women alike: St. Helena, St. Cunigunde of Luxembourg, St. Elisabeth of Hungary, St. Margaret of Scotland,St. Isabel of Portugal, St. Edith of Wilton, St. Louis of France, St. Ferdinand III, St. Casimir, St. Edward the Confessor, St. Henry II, and St. Hermenegild.

Thanks, Andy, and Fr. Pablo!

Monday, November 23, 2015


Mass at the Jesuit parish of Holy Family in Mexico City, where the Blessed's remains are entombed in a silver box.  

Born on January 13, 1891 in Guadalupe, Mexico, Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez was the eldest son of Miguel Pro and Josefa Juarez.

Miguelito, as his doting family called him, was, from an early age, intensely spiritual and equally intense in hi mischievousness, frequently exasperating his family with his humor and practical jokes. As a child, he had a daring precociousness that sometimes went too far, tossing him into near-death accidents and illnesses. On regaining consciousness after one of these episodes, young Miguel opened his eyes and blurted out to his frantic parents, "I want some cocol" (a colloquial term for his favorite sweet bread). "Cocol" became his nickname, which he would later adopt as a code name during this clandestine ministry.

Miguel was particularly close to his older sister and after she entered a cloistered convent, he came to recognize his own vocation to the priesthood. Although he was popular with the senoritas and had prospects of a lucrative career managing his father's thriving business concerns, Miguel renounced everything for Christ his King and entered the Jesuit novitiate in El Llano, Michoacan in 1911.
He studied in Mexico until 1914, when a tidal wave of anti-Catholicism crashed down upon Mexico, forcing the novitiate to disband and flee to the United States, where Miguel and his brother seminarians trekked through Texas and New Mexico before arriving at the Jesuit house in Los Gatos, California.

In 1915, Miguel was sent to a seminary in Spain, where he remained until 1924, when he went to Belgium for his ordination to the priesthood in 1925. Miguel suffered from a severe stomach problem and after three operations, when his health did not improve, his superiors, in 1926, allowed him to return to Mexico in spite of the grave religious persecution in that country.

The churches were closed and priests went into hiding. Miguel spent the rest of his life in a secret ministry to the sturdy Mexican Catholics. In addition to fulfilling their spiritual needs, he also carried out the works of mercy by assisting the poor in Mexico City with their temporal needs. He adopted many interesting disguises in carrying out his secret ministry. He would come in the middle of the night dressed as a beggar to baptize infants, bless marriages and celebrate Mass. He would appear in jail dressed as a police officer to bring Holy Viaticum to condemned Catholics. When going to fashionable neighborhoods to procure for the poor, he would show up at the doorstep dressed as a fashionable businessman with a fresh flower on his lapel. His many exploits could rival those of the most daring spies. In all that he did, however, Fr. Pro remained obedient to his superiors and was filled with the joy of serving Christ, his King.

Falsely accused in the bombing attempt on a former Mexican president, Miguel became a wanted man. Betrayed to the police, he was sentenced to death without the benefit of any legal process.
On the day of his execution, Fr. Pro forgave his executioners, prayed, bravely refused the blindfold and died in downtown Mexico City proclaiming, "Viva Cristo Rey", "Long live Christ the King!"

Thanks, Andy, for the pics!

Imposition of the Brown Scapular in Mexico City

At the Jesuit parish, Holy Family, the shrine and tomb of Blessed Miguel Pro, S.J. 

Thanks, Andy!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Buy Only Christian Christmas Cards

Remember to keep Christ in  Christmas.

Keep this jingle in your head: "Jesus is the reason for the season."

Boycott silly "holiday" cards that ban Christ from Christmas.

And boycott any idiot store than sells "holiday trees."

The enemies of God and civilization are stepping up their attack on Christianity and so we must step up our rapid response.  

Friday, November 20, 2015

Rome Quotes

"Outside the Catholic Church, we say, what was once Christendom is rapidly becoming Pagan: Pagan after a new fashion, but still Pagan.  It is falling into the mood that man is sufficient to himself, and all the consequences of that mood will follow under a general color of despair."

-Hilaire Belloc

How To Put On a Successful Pro-Life Banquet

Last night yours truly attended an exciting pro-life banquet.

How does one host such a successful fundraising event?

The key is simple: have underwriters pay for the whole event before it starts.

Also, no distractions (such as a silent auction, quilt raffle, etc.).  

It is important to have free general seating (RSVP required).  Past, present and future donors are invited.  Table sponsors can pay for additional tables as well.  Everyone is assigned a seat.  Keep one or two tables open for those who may wander in. 

Welcome and Opening Prayer - begin and keep it simple. 

Dinner - buffet style. 

Organization Report -- results orientated, how the money is being spent, exciting upcoming project.

Keynote Presentation - the draw, a motivational speech, how lives are changed, and saved, the future.

Financial Appeal - this is crucial, someone gives the pitch for the cause - for the upcoming project, include a prayer, ask for silence and that all remain at their seats; one person from each table is asked to open the large envelope in the middle of the table and pass the donation envelopes.  One-time AND monthly donors are requested. 

Closing - a big thank you and welcome back next year.  

Roman Vestment in Victoria, British Columbia (Canada)

The orphery is sixteenth century Italian work and also probably the neck bordering. 

The chasuble itself is early Victorian damask. 

An exquisite work of art. 

Bringing the Gospel to Native Amerians

Here is a copy of a New Testament translation in the language of the Western Cree. 

Published in 1904.  Notice the syllabic symbols that were used with a yost typewriter. 

The End of An Era: My Favorite Shop Closing

After 55 years the Austrians are calling it quits.

Domus Antica Galleries Ltd. is located in Victoria, British Columbia.   

This fabulous shop sells precious antique items European immigrants brought with them to the New World.

This pewter, commonly used in old Europe, dates from the 1600s. 

Such treasures! 

Catholic Peru

The great cerimoniere, Giancarlo il Grande, in Rome, at Ss. Trinita' dei Pellegrini. 

Rome Home of Convert to Catholicism Guglielmo Marconi

Via dei Condotti, 11.  

His daughter, baptized by Cardinal Pacelli, still lives here.  I went to visit once.  A trip back in time.

Love the Papacy and Pray for the Popes

Dr. Alice von Hildebrand, PhD prays a rosary each morning for the Pope.  She began this tradition under the current papacy.  I encourage others to do the same. 

Keep Your Focus on the Cross of Christ

Fireworks in Victoria, British Columbia. 

Our Lady of Porto-Santa Rufina

The holy image enshrined in the chapel of the Rome airport. 

Annual General Meeting of the Vancouver Traditional Mass Society

A huge success.  Lots of youth and families with babies.  Future vocations.  A nice mix of laity and clergy alike.  A great lunch.  Lots of interest.  Thank you to all who participated and especially a big danke to the Most Rev. Athanasius Schneider, who delivered a very fine keynote address.  God bless the participants for their devotion to the Roman Liturgy.  Oremus! 

800th Anniversary of the Birth of the Dominicans

Is this your vocation?  Be a Dominican.